

Dec 28, 2023

Tiffany: Not Just a Shopping Destination, but a World

When Tiffany & Co. reopens its New York City flagship on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street this spring, following three years of work, visitors will hardly recognize the street-level sales floor famously featured in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Or any other floor, for that matter. Where dark-green marble and teak columns once surrounded a bank of art deco elevators, a showstopping painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat now hangs. It's the same one, Equals Pi, that featured prominently in Tiffany's 2021 ad campaign starring married musicians Jay-Z and Beyoncé, who crooned "Moon River," the theme song of the 1961 movie. The canvas was chosen especially for the robin's-egg-blue background that nearly matches Tiffany's own trademarked blue. It's an intentionally placed lure—inviting in those tourists who come to re-create Audrey Hepburn's dreamy window-shopping scene.

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